Remembering Who We Are: Finding Our True Selves in the Shadow of Social Media
Who did you wake up as today, or who did you wish to be? Has life changed for you in the absence of Instagram? Were you able to build an identity free from all the labels? What has changed in your life over the past few days? Or perhaps, nothing has changed at all.
When we can't adapt, we feel out of place. We struggle to belong, hiding our true selves to fit in, yet when we show our authentic selves, we might feel alienated or excluded. Social media offers ways to navigate this dilemma. It allows us to hide our true selves and follow trends, which might help us blend in, but what if, in doing so, we lose sight of who we truly are and become just another face in the crowd? How can we notice if we’ve transformed into temporary versions of ourselves, losing our sense of purpose?
Let's ask ourselves: Am I truly content with who I am right now? How aligned am I with my core self? Am I really the person I present myself as today?
People have always influenced one another, but why does everyone seem so similar now? It’s not just about appearances—speech patterns, tastes, and interests are converging too. Without trends, who are we? Are we really reflecting our true selves on social media? Are we missing out on life, focusing on the best angle and the perfect lighting, and in the process, forgetting who we are?
Instead of preserving who we are, why are we trying to be everything we possibly can be? What has really changed in our lives over the past few days? Maybe we’ve spent less time on our phones, but have we truly disconnected from the social media mindset? Probably not, because we’ve likely continued the cycle on different platforms.
Ladan Wellness champions the idea of embracing and enhancing our authentic selves. It emphasizes that we don’t need to conform to trends to feel like we belong—our natural state is already unique and captivating enough. Ladan advocates for a world where everyone shines in their own originality and reminds us of the importance of being content with who we are.
With this awareness, remember who you are and let your true self shine. Because our authentic selves are our best selves.